• Welcome to Korea Workers’ Compensation & Welfare Service
  • K-COMWEL contributes to the improvement of workers quality of life through optimal
    workers' compensation programs, rehabilitation supports and welfare improvements.
  • Transfer to another medical institution (under Workers’ Compensation Insurance)

    Transfer to another medical institution (under Workers’ Compensation Insurance)

    To Submit a Claim for Transfer to Another Medical Inst. for claiming for a transfer to another medical service provider
    When the worker needs to transfer to another WCI-authorized medical service provider in terms of distance from his/her residence or due to a need for more specialized medical care services shall submit a Claim for Transfer to Another Medical Inst. to a K-COMWEL branch office with jurisdiction, and thereby, obtain a prior approval from the K-COMWEL.

    • The worker as claimant shall specify in the said claim a medical service provider he/she wants to transfer to, and then, submit it to a K-COMWEL branch office with jurisdiction over a medical service provider from which he/she has currently received medical care services.
    • Applying for concurrent medical care: when the worker needs to use two or more WCI-authorized medical service provider due to reasons including no service that the worker needs at the current WCI-authorized medical service provider.