• Welcome to Korea Workers’ Compensation & Welfare Service
  • K-COMWEL contributes to the improvement of workers quality of life through optimal
    workers' compensation programs, rehabilitation supports and welfare improvements.
  • R2W (Return-to-Work) Program

    • WCI Rehabilitation
    • Vocational Rehab
    • R2W (Return-to-Work) Program


    • IIWs wishing to return to work.

    Eligibility Criteria

    • (Work capacity evaluation) IIWs who need to determine whether to return to work or who need a job improvement program to perform their tasks.
    • (Work capacity build-up program) IIWs whose job performance is difficult as a result of the job competency evaluation and expected to improve the job performance through the job performance enhancement program.


    • (Work capacity evaluation) Free issuance of a job return statement that objectively evaluates 'current disease status, job performance ability' to workers who wish to return to work.
      • Return to work counseling, job analysis, physical function evaluation, work capacity evaluation.
    • (Work capacity build-up program) To improve the job performance of the industrial workers, the medical institution carries out 'body skills improvement training, simulation/business establishment work training' within 12 weeks from the medical care stage.
      • (Physical function reinforcement training) Strengthen physical functions (strength, endurance, agility, etc.) using various rehabilitation equipment.
      • (Mock/On-the-job training) Install a mock training facility to perform tasks or conduct field work training through actual business site visits.
    • (Hospitals operating the program) K-COMWEL Incheon, Ansan, Changwon, Daegu, Suncheon, Donghae and Daejeon hospitals