• Welcome to Korea Workers’ Compensation & Welfare Service
  • K-COMWEL contributes to the improvement of workers quality of life through optimal
    workers' compensation programs, rehabilitation supports and welfare improvements.
  • Permanent Disability Benefits ("PDBs")

    PDBs refer to benefits paid to an eligible worker who physically and/or mentally has any remaining permanent disability after his/her recovery from a work-related injury or disease. The eligible worker shall be paid PDBs corresponding to daily average wages multiplied by days for which he/she will be eligible for PDBs based on his/her Disability Grade:
    Disability Grade Method of Payment
    Disability Grade 1 to 3 Paid only in annuity
    Disability Grade 4 to 7 Paid in annuity or on a lump-sum basis
    Disability Grade 8 to 14 Paid only on a lump-sum basis

    ※Disability Grade can be divided into 14 grades based on a degree of disability. An eligible worker can elect to be paid in annuity or on a lump-sum basis.